Welcome at our website!
We are Rima and Aleksandras Amway business owners (ABO). We have reached qualification – Founders Platina. This is good starting point for our future achievements and nice example for the members of our team.

ALEKSANDRAS: AMWAY for me means the opportunity to take care of financial well-being of my family. This means unlimited possibilities – everyone is able to reach his own goals. Because of this business we may enjoy our lives, plan your work and rest time. If you are ambitious and seek independence, if you want to control your own life – this business is just for YOU!
RIMA: As a woman, I first of all noticed the quality products my family here. Whatever the situation people wash and wash clothes. In all time woman want to be beautiful and use good cosmetics. If you join our team, and successfully promote the sale of Amway products it may become an additional income for you and your family. So, why not to choose AMWAY?
A network marketing business is a team business, in which people who have achieved good results are interested in helping their team members.
If you:
- desire to take from life more than you have now,
- are not sure about tomorrow and looking for opportunities for additional incomes,
- are not afraid of the challenges and seek for recognition,
… this business is nice opportunity for you.
Interested? Contact with us:
Phone: +37065688356